They're half-way there, the weekend beckons them, but not before playing the most new music possible at breakfast.
With Radio l's Greatest Hits from 9.00, and more jocular asides and chances to win enough CDs to fill a medium-sized duffel bag.
More of the best in new music.
Top-flight showbiz entertainment and new music gubbins from Mark and Lard.
Featuring today's Most Wanted chart and the Mix at 6.00.
More new live music from
Laptop plus the Unbelievable Truth play live on the show.
Critical celluloid comments and stars revealing the movies that changed their lives.
Martin Rossiter and the rest of the band are on the show tonight as John presents Gene in session.
with the very best music and the Breezeblock from 12.00.
Irreverence and new music.