with Rod McKenzie and Jakki Brambles
6.30 the incredibly cryptic Identik-Hit Quiz
7.45 A look at the brand-new Top 40
8.15 The Crew of Two
On This Day in History Producer Ric Blaxill
with Our Tune and the Birthday File at 12.15. Producer Kenton Allen
with Lesley Curwen
Including the Top 30 album chart at 1.00 Producer Ted Beston
Today's Star-a-Gram is ... Benny Hill.
Producer Jonathan Ruffle
with Sybil Ruscoe and Allan Robb
Producer Mick Wilkojc
Producer John Leonard
Producer John Walters
Goes into the Night with the best music, both on CD and live. Producer Paul Williams
with King of Fools in session. (R)
Producer Jeff Griffin