The Early Show Is a smiling milkman
Producer RON belchier
Hits and headlines from 1969 and 1979 The Birthday File, Our Tune, horoscopes for Aries and Taurus, and Headlines - the exciting telephone game based on the day's main news stories.
If you would like to play the game with Simon. write to Headlines, The Simon Bates Show , BBC Radio 1, [address removed]
Producer PAUL WILLIAMS Including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with John Andrew
at 6.05 Stepping Out with Froggy - a look at the latest on the dance music scene.
Producer Dave Atkey including at 5.30 Newsbeat with John Andrew
At 7.00 What Next?
New technology is making our society much more leisure orientated. With more time on our hands, what kind of sports and leisure facilities might we have by the year 2000? This week Paul Gambaccini and his guests take a sporting look at our future fun.