featuring events, birthdays and anniversaries on this day ithrough the years and including today's birthday horoscope (for the coming year) and the next seven days' horoscopes for
Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
Beginning at 12.45 Paul gives a rundown of this week's Top 40 discs - your first chance to hear the new chart including at
12.30 pm
Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
Beginning at 6.5 Peter reviews the new Top 40 singles chart. and at 5.30
Newsbeat with Frank Partridge
A group of young people get together to air their views on a subject of importance to them and their guests.
With Robbie Vincent In the Chair they deal with topical, and often controversial, issues and on a lighter note listen to some of their favourite music.
If you are between 16 and 20. at school or attend a youth club and have a particular subject you would like to discuss on Radio 1, then write to:
Talkabout, BBC Radio 1. London WIA 4WW