The Golden Hour Million Sellers ': 1965
Past Present and Future First to Last: the Carpenters Hit File and Our Tune
including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer
including at 5.30 Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer and at 6.0
The New Album Chart
Tatkabout is a pop current affairs programme. It brings together a panel of under-20s, an expert or two, and the irrepressible Jonathan King to argue about various topical issues.
Famous voices from the world of pop add their views:
' I think the media can make you or destroy you and you remember what I'm saying.'
' Most of the things I got into trouble for were abstract things, like looking as if I'd not had enough sleep.'
The whole battle is refereed by Cindy Kent
(If you'd like to be a panellist, drop a line to Talkabout, BBC, London [Postcode removed]. saying what your interests are.)
with Peter Mayne