Through the day on 1 and 2 News 5.30 am 6.0 6.30 7.30 8.30
9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 pm 1.30 2 30 (Rl) 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30
10.30 11.30 12 midnight
1.0 am 2.0
Weather 5.32 am 6.2 6.31
7.0 (R2) 7.31 8.0 (R2) 8.31
5.31 pm 6.5 (R2) 6.31 7.44
12.4 am 2.1
Time Big Ben 5.30 am
GTS 7.0 am 10.0 12 noon
2.0 pm (R2) 7.30
Shipping (1,500m only)
6.40 am 1.55 pm 5.57
2.2 am (also on vhf)
Today's top pop discs and reviews of 5 of the latest at 8.15 Radio I Popover
Radio Is pop competition
with music on and off the record, featuring a song or two from Jimmy, listeners' recipes, and phone calls
from the Locarno. Bradford with today's DJ Rosko at 12.15 Radio 1 Popover
Something for everybody, with music pop and popular, past and present Producers
MALCOLM BROWN , DENIS O'KEEFFE Editor DEREK MILLS at 3.15 Radio 1 Poporer,
Johnny Moran reviews the week's pop record releases
PETER HARWOOD , DON GEORGE Editor RON BELCHIER at 6.15 Radio 1 Popovec
Tim Gudgin with music and news: pop; people and places; featuring THE RADIO BIG BAND conductor MALCOLM LOCKYER with SUSAN MAUGHAN
Produced by IAN FENNER
Pat Doody with swinging sounds on and off the record, featuring tonight lisa CARROLL and the LAURIE STEELE FOUR
Produced by DAVID ALLAN