introduces Junior Choice your record requests
Solution and prizewinners of Competition No. 5
You were asked to identify pieces from fourteen top records. If yours was among the first five correct answers picked, you will have won a transistor portable.
Your resident D.J. presents Saturday Club
Hit discs; groups and singers
Star guest:
Gene Pitney
Producer, Bill Bebb
with his Midday Spin
A record roundabout
Produced by Teddy Warrick
Broadcast at 9.55 a.m.
with a swinging selection of studio sounds and the best of the rest on records
with his pick of last week's What's New and Album Time: latest pops, LPs, and E.P.s
Produced by Keith Stewart
Wally Whyton with country and folk music on record — and, in person.
Ian McCann and Tin ROAN County Boys
News and reviews from
Jim LLOYD and David ALLAN
Contra bass fiddle, BRIAN Brocklehurst
Produced by Ian Grant
f Johnny Moran with latest news, records, reviews, and pop people talking shop
Ted Beston , Jeff Griffin
Repeated: Sunday, 4.0 p.m.
Sean Kelly with swinging sounds on and off the record, featuring tonight
Vince Hill and the Zack Lawrence Quartet
Produced by Helen Fry