With Ian Mackenzie.
Sue MacGregor and John Humphrys.
7.25, 8.25 Sports News
7.45 Thought for the Day With James Jones.
By C L James.
4: The year is 1932 and C L R James travels from Trinidad to England. For details see Monday
Michael Buerk chairs a live investigation into the moral questions behind the week's news. With
Dr David Cook , Janet Daley ,
Geoffrey Robertson QC and Dr David Starkey. Producer David Coomes
Regional Variations (2)
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
(Praise My Soul); Song of Songs 8, w 5-7; You Laid Aside Your Majesty (Richards); With My Whole Heart
(Kendrick). Director of music Nigel Swinford.
Today's news from 50 years ago. For details see Monday
Regional Variations (2)
Introduced by Jenni Murray. Francesca Hughes explains how the growing numbers of women in architecture may change the world - or at least the buildings -we live in.Serial: Mama Makes Up Her Mind (and Other Dangers of Southern Living). Final part. For details see Tuesday
Producer Tony Grant
With Dylan Winter.
Gill Pyrah hosts another edition of the well-read literary quiz. Producer Jon Rolph
With Nick Clarke.
Repeated from yesterday 7.05pm THE DEEP
By Jonathan Myerson. Thirty years ago, in the summer of 1966, two rowing boats set off from the coast of America. The vastness of the Atlantic, the isolation, lack of food and sleep, and constant fear took the crews of these small craft to the limits of endurance. Producer Nick Russell-Pavier
With Daire Brehan.
Lynne Walker sees the Botho Strauss play Time and the Room at the Edinburgh Festival and reads Alice Thomas Ellis 's new novel, Fairy Tale. Producer Jackie Christie Revised repeat at 9.30pm
By Martyn Bedford. A forensic scientist battles with his private distress while removing all the evidence from the scene of a domestic crime. Read by Denys Hawthorne. Producer Pam Fraser Solomon
With Charlie Lee-Potter and Nigel Wrench.
A new radio showcase for comedy actress Doon Mackichan.
Join DJ Chantal and a host of local characters as Rush FM broadcasts from a portaloo in Peckham High Street. With Pam Ferris , Lesley Sharp , Phil Comwell , Anne Rabbit and Alistair McGowan. Producer Jon Magnusson
# Doon Mackichan 's Choice: page 12
Still no sign of daddy.
Repeated tomorrow at 1.40pm
A spectacular journey under the sea off the coast of Grand Cayman, where Julian Hector brings the natural history of the seabed to life with state-of-the-art underwater recording equipment and a deep-sea submersible. Producer Julian Hector
+ How to handle a stingray: page 20
John Tusa examines five universal themes in a 20th-century context. 4: Exploring
Producers Suzanne Levy and Philip Sellars Repeat
Five programmes which explore the lives of archetypal twilight creatures. 4: A Rustle in the Orchard.
Joanna Pinnock teams up with a man lucky enough to have badgers in his orchard. Producer Grant Sonnex
Presented by Frederick Dove. Producer Colin Hughes
E-MAIL: dhtsugar@bbc.co.uk
Revised repeat of 4.05pm
With Robin Lustig.
By Robert Harris. Part 4. For details see Monday
Mario Vargas Llosa 's comic novel, dramatised in six parts by Lee Hall. 1: Mario finds his life turned upside down when two characters from
Bolivia appear. with Kim Wall , Jonathan Adams.
Joanna Monro and Ann Beach. Director Sally Avens
Repeated from Saturday 6.50pm
By Kurt Vonnegut. Part 9. For details see Monday Repeat