Farming, food and countryside news, market trends and weather
Presented by Brian Redhead and John Humphrys in London with Peter Hobday in New Orleans
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With PETER DAY
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by CHARLOTTE GREEN
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
5: Old Men Remember Stereo (R)
Your opportunity to discuss a topic of the moment with Nick and his guests.
Producer NICK UTECHIN Lines open from 8.00am
A series of eightprogrammes spanning three weeks in the lives of a group of Lichfield GPs. 7: A panicking mother rings with fears that she has caused brain damage to her baby, Dr Andrew Hall is called to
Casualty to see a woman who has put her hand through a greenhouse window, and Dr Jeremy Duncan Brown 's favourite patient dies. Producers BRIAN KING and SARAH ROWLANDS BBC Pebble Mill
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 8. 15pm)
Mr Know-All by SOMERSET MAUGHAM Read by Brian Gear
Producer PAMELA HOWE. BBC Bristol
New Every Morning, page 106; The Lord's my shepherd
(BBC HB 480); Gloria in excelsis; John 10, vv 1-6 and 14-16; How are thy servants blest (BBC HB 305) Stereo
Couples (1) Stereo
(Part 2 on Thursday at 11. 00am) A synopsis of current events in 'Citizens' is on Ceefax page 144
A series of six programmes presented by John Gribbin 5: Of Frozen Milk and Bison Herds
Why was Shakespeare's milk frozen in the pail; why did the Thames freeze above London
Bridge; and where today are the winter blizzards described in Lorna Doone ? The answers lie in a 'little ice age'. BBC Bristol
John Waite investigates your complaints.
Iain Johnstone hosts the celebrity panel show that brings you magic movie moments.
This week's panel: Dick Vosburgh, Paddie O'Neil, Robin Ray and Frankie Vaughan
Presented by Nick Worrall
A Bath for Matilda Stereo (R)
In the programme where you can meet poets, politicians and painters, headline-hitters and high-fliers, Jenni Murray talks to the dancer and choreographer Michael Clark , the enfant terrible of modern dance.
Serial: The Colour of Murder (5)
Funerals are supposed to be solemn occasions but they can be fraught with disasters, especially when tropical fish tanks are involved.
Directed by JANET WHITAKER Stereo
Robin Ray explains to
Brian Kay why certain musical moments in his entertaining life raise a tingle.
Producer ANDREW MUSSETT. Stereo
Peter Day presents the programme which reports on the world of commerce. Researcher SLAN JAR VIS Editor ROD POUNSETT
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 7.20pm)
Presented by Frances Coverdale and Valerie Singleton
5.00,5.30 News Summary
5.25 PM Letters
5.31 City News continued on FM 5.50-5.55
With BRYAN MARTIN including Financial Report
by JOHN LE CARRE adapted in seven parts by RENE BASILICO starring and featuring
2: It is now over a year since George Smiley was sent into premature retirement from the 'Circus'. But a chance encounter and an unexpected invitation prove that the past is not so easily forgotten.
Theme music by MAX HARRIS Producer JOHN FAWCETT WILSON Stereo
(Re-broadcast Thursday at 12.25pm)
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1. 40pm)
3: The Bush Family
In this series of four family portraits, Michael O'Donnell explores how shifting social and moral attitudes in Britain have affected family life.
Are we more self-seeking, less compassionate than we were, with standards slipping and family ties loosening to the point of disinterest - even disloyalty? Or are we now turning our backs on 'permissiveness', in order to embrace some vague notion of the Victorian ethic?
The Bush family uphold and maintain the special values of a Christian family life. How do they fit into an increasingly secular society - and do they, or their children, feel a need to adapt?
3: The Lion of Rome
There is a message beyond common sense which has been carried down the centuries by a wild confusion of characters - emperors, geniuses, holy prostitutes, gourmet hermits, sharp-witted abbesses, multi-murderers, madmen and poets. That message imprinted itself on the world nearly 2,000 years ago on a hill called Calvary.
Brian Redhead continues his
12-part religious relay race towards the Middle Ages. This week he examines the fifth century and the world of Leo, the Bishop of Rome supposed to have lost his heart and fingers to a married woman. What lay behind the flying deterrent which dissuaded Attila the Squat from invading Rome, and what was the eighth deadly sin? Reader MICHAEL TUDOR BARNES Researcher RUTH BEN-OR
Series producer FRANCES GUMLEY
Mary O'Hara
In company with Kate Binchy and Sion Probert , Mary O'Hara presents, before an audience in the Theatre Royal, Winchester, a selection of her favourite poetry and prose.
'It might have something to do with the landscape - the sometimes terrifying seas or the islanders' independent way of life - but the Arran Islands have inspired a remarkable number of literary works.' Producer ALEC REID
BBC Bristol. Stereo (R)
News and views for people with a visual handicap.
Presented by Peter White Producer ANNE THEAKSTONE For weekly factsheets or quarterly bulletins summarising broadcast information, send a large sae, approx 13" x 9", to: [address removed]
In tonight's programme Paul Allen visits a major exhibition of the Yeats family's work in Dublin and Michael Oliver presents the first report from this year's Edinburgh Festival, which contains works to celebrate the centenary of Scottish playwright James Bridie. Producers
SIMON BROUGHTON (in London) and MIKE GREENWOOD (in Edinburgh) (Re-broadcast tomorrow at 4. 30pm)
The Countrywoman 7: A Feed of Whiskey
Presenter Alexander MacLeod
FM joins at 12. 10am