Farming, food and countryside news. market trends and weather.
A note from Religious Affairs Correspondent Rosemary Hartlll
6.55 Weather; travel; programme news
7.11 Today's Papers
A weekly review of the agricultural scene.
Producer ALLAN WRIGHT BBC Birmingham
Norman Tozer with how to get the best from your hard-earned cash.
7.55 Weather; travel; programme news
8.10 Today's Papers
Tony Lewis is at Lord's to look forward to the final of the Prudential World Cup cricket competition. He assesses the teams and the prospects for an exciting match.
Tennis is not ignored as the programme features interviews with the personalities making the headlines as Wimbledon fortnight reaches the half-way stage.
IAN ROBERTSON reports from New Zealand on the BRITISH LIONS' match against NORTH AUCKLAND.
8.57 Weather; travel
Introduced by Bernard Falk with help from Susan Marling and Nigel Coombs, taking a critical look at the holiday, travel and leisure scene.
Max Hastings presents a personal review of the weekly magazines and assesses their coverage of recent events.
Peter Riddell , Political Editor of the Financial Times, views political developments at
Westminster in the wake of the State Opening of Parliament.
New Every Morning, page 102; This is the day of light (BBC HB 399); Psalm 100; John 14, vv 1-14
(RSV); This is the day the Lord hath made (BBC HB 400)
Radio and TV extracts with Margaret Howard
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the countries they work in. Editor PADDY O'KEEFFE
Presenter Louise Bolting Tne programme that keeps you in touch with what's happening in the field of personal savings. tax, mortgages. insurance, social security and the financial problems of everyday life.
A Financial World Tonight production
(Repealed: Mon 10.2 am)
The last seven days put in a questionable way by Simon Hoggart to Alan Coren, Julia Langdon, Hunter Davies and Neil Shand
Written and compiled by JOHN LANGDON and the producer DANNY GREENSTONE
(Repeated: Mon 6.30 pm)
12.55 Weather; programme news
Tom Jackson
Cyril Smith, MP
Edna Healey and General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley tackle the questions raised by the audience in Grassington, North Yorkshire
Chairman David Jacobs
(Broadcast yesterday)
1.55 Shipping forecast
(long wave only)
Metamorphosid Arkwright by JOHN TURNER and IAN MCMILLAN
Sid Arkwright discovers that he is gradually turning into a giant cockroach. Although he reacts to the situation philosophically, his fiiends at the club find it very inconvenient-after all. he is captain of the darts team.
BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Tues 11.3 am)
Christopher Matthew talks to travellers about the reality rather than romance of their Journeys. 2: The Courier's Tale Peter Mitchell is a professional tour director who ferries Americans round Europe. His clients are generally rich and culturally omnivorous: does his misanthropy increase with the mileage?
Producer ALASTAIR WILSON BBC Manchester
The naturalists bore into the file of wildlife questions.
Presented by Derek Jones
Wendy Jones examines public concern about pollution, latest moves in the energy debate, attempts to revitalise inner cities and the increasing demand on the land both at home and abroad.
Today, the impact of tourismonBritain'smost popular beauty spots.
(Repeated: Tues 7.20 pm)
BBC correspondents look at a contemporary issue. A Radio News production by ADAM RAPHAEL
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners and their families, with countrywide news and views.
Presenter John Mills Editor MARLENE PEASE
Correspondence address: BBC Broadcasting House London W1A 4WW
Tel [number removed]. Ext 7048 (Mon-Fri 10.0 am-5.0 pm)
Four programmes on language disorders.
We often take speaking and understanding our mother tongue for granted. In this third programme. David Crystal looks at what can happen to language when adults suffer brain damage as a result of a stroke or an accident, and become ' dvsphasic '.
An irreverently critical look back at the week.
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; travel: programme news
With EUGENE FRASER including Sports Round-up
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs: Peter Maxwell Davies
Roy Plomley's castaway is composer Peter Maxwell Davies. Show more
Amiably competitive conversation inspired by current public and private preoccupations.
with music on record. Producer RAY ABBOTT
by John Hall
A young girl comes into the dreary, dessicated life of The Rev Ron Vole, vicar at the stagnating, possibly evil little village of Nessock in deepest, darkest Somerset. Can she save him? Or is It a case of his saving her?
BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Mon 3.2 pm)
Current and controversial issues are put on trial before Chairman Geoffrey Robertson and an audience of Jurors In Broadcasting House.
London. Today's motion: Trade unions should fully support job sharing as one means of reducing unemployment Proposer
Professor Charles Handy Opposer Arthur Scargill The two advocates each call supporting witnesses to be questioned and cross questioned: the jury votes at the beginning and end of the trial so that any swing of opinion can be measured and a verdict reached.
Producer SALLY THOMPSON (Repeated.- Fri 11.3 am)
Thoughts for late evening led by Ronald Farrow
followed by an interlude
Weather report; forecast followed by an Interlude
12.15-12.23* am Shipping forecast: inshore forecast