News, weather, papers and sport
6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presenters Brian Redhead and Libby Purves
6.45* Prayer for the Day
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
including The Week So . Far by Russell Davies long wave only /rom 9.50
long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Piccadilly Peccadilloes by WILLIAM SUTHERLAND Read by Shirley Dixon long wave only
long wave only
long wave only until 11.20
12.55 Weather; programme news
Presenter Robin Day
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Introduced by Sue
MacGregor Guest of the Week:
Dame Gillian Brown , British Ambassador to Norway.
Reading Your Letters. The Real Mac-Beth: was he as bad as Shakespeare made him out to be?
60 Years with the Same Family: NESTA COX talks about being a nanny. especially during the war in France.
A Comfort of Cats (6) long wave only
A Weekend Away by BILL CORRIGAN
The zip seems to have gone out of Tony's and Jenny's marriage - so perhaps a weekend away is the answer?
3: The Scott Country David Bean joins the throng at Abbotsford. home of Sir Walter Scott. BBC Manchester
Lichfield Cathedral
Responses: Clucas
Psalm 119 vv. 1-32
Hymn: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
Canticles: E T Cook in G
Anthem: Prepare ye the way of the Lord Wise
Organ Voluntary: Christ unser Herr Bach
Organist and Master of the Choristers JONATHAN REES WILLIAMS
Assistant Organist PETER KING
Illyrian Spring (1) by ANNE BRIDGE
Joan Bakewell and Robert Williams On VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather programme news
including Financial Report
(Repeated: Fri 12.27 pm)
(Repeated: Thurs 1.40 pm)
Tom Vernon travels out into the English summer to discover four towns in which there is still a holiday flowering of tradition.
The first town: Helston The Furry Dance
on photography
Zia's North West Frontier The experience of Soviet military power at close quarters, puts Pakistan in a unique position for observing dramatic developments in a turbulent part of the world.
Michael Charlton reports on how President Zia's Pakistan views the prospects in a region described as ' the ark of crisis '.
includes Naked at the Feast by LYNN HANLY , a biography of the sensational Josephine Baker , the glittering
' queen of Paris ' in the jazz age: and William Burges and the High Victorian Dream by J. MORDAUNT CROOK.
Presenter Stephen Philips
with Alexander MacLeod
by J. R. R. TOLKIEN prepared for radio in 26 episodes by BRIAN SIBLEY starring
15: The Voice of Saruman
My Brother Tom (8) long wave only
Radio 4s International business report; market trends long wave only
long wave only
Weather report; forecast long wave only followed by an interlude