6.32 Farming Today
Outlook: reflecting matters of Christian interest and concern VHF Regional news and weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.10 On Your Farm: a weekly review of the agricultural scene Producer ANTHONY PARKIN (Birmingham)
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Outlook
Barry Norman introduces Radio 4s 70-minute world-wide took at the weekend: including at
7.50 medium wave Keep Fit for All the Family with EILEEN FOWLER. or VHF Regional news and weather; at 7.55 Weather and programme news At 8.0 News and more of Today with Sports-desk at 8.30*; Papers at S.40*
Radio 4 fills you in on the political scene at home and abroad.
9.5 From Our Own Correspondent
BBC correspondents throughout the world report on the societies they live in - the politics and the people.
9.30 Talking Politics
Not all the key decisions which affect our daily lives are taken by politicians. Much of the power in this country is in the hands of non-politicians.
This summer ANTHONY KING talks to five such men about their jobs, their relationship with the government and the public, and the power they
I wield.
1: Jack Jones , General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, the biggest trade union in the country.
10.0 News
10.2 The Weekly World
ANDREW SINCLAIR reviews what the weeklies have to say: illustrations read by JOHN MARSH Narrator PETER JEFFERSON Producers PADDY O'KEEFFE
New Every Morning, p 25; Rejoice! the Lord is King (BBC HB 128): Psalm 9; Acts 24, vv 1-16 (rsv); Lift up your hearts! We lift them. Lord, to thee (BBC HB 326)
medium .wave only
MARGARET HOWARD presents her selection of items from the many broadcast on BBC Radio and Television.
Puzzled over questions that don't seem to have answers? Wonder what scientific research is up to? This is your opportunity to talk directly on the telephone to a panel of scientists and discuss your questions on any topic from science, medicine and technology.
In the chair Professor John Taylor , Department of Mathematics, King's College, London This week's panel:
Professor Paul Turner , clinical pharmacologist
Dr Chris Evans , psychologist Heinz Wolff , bioengmeer Producer MICHAEL BRIGHT
Write, with your questions and telephone number, to Dial-a-Scientist, BBC, Broadcasting House, London W1A 4WW
Brahms Variations on a theme of Paganini, Op 35 (Books 1 and 2) CÉCILE OUSSET (piano)
12.27* Rachmaninov Suite No 2, Op 17, for two pianos VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY and ANDRE PREVIN gramophone records
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and weather
Brian Johnston recently visited Sudbury, Suffolk
(Repeated: Monday 11.5 am)
Osbert Lancaster , the cartoonist, includes among his choice of records Les Biches by Poulenc, JOAN SUTHERLAND in the Sextet from Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor, STRAVINSKY conducting his own ballet Apollo and the VIENNA STATE OPERA CHORUS singing the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Verdi's Nabucco.
SCHONZELER Johann Strauss Overture: Die Fledermaus
Dvorak Slavonic Dances Nos 3 and 4 Grieg Peer Gynt: Suite No 2 Wolf Italian Serenade
Wilfred Josephs Concerto for Light Orchestra
Introduced by John Dunn
Arthur Poskitt
by Brian Thompson
with John Franklyn-Robbins and Carole Hayman
7: England Expects
Producer Tony Cliff
4.5* Talk Up
A monthly discussion with Davina Weir in the chair to talk things out that matter to you.
Producer David Shute
4.20* Strange Music: 2: Weird and Wonderful
Ranging from a bull roarer to a mud bubble.
Introduced by Nadeau Stewart
4.30* The 18th Emergency
The novel by Betsy Byars abridged in six episodes by Derek Parker
Reader Miriam Margolyes (6) Producer Graham Gauld
4.40* Forecast
The radio game devised by Ian Messiter
Host Tony Blackburn
Special guest: John himself!
Nicholas Woolley with PM's reporting team Editor ANDREW BOYLE
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and weather
A kind of conversational entertamment on the week's crop of the sublime and/or the ridiculous tracked down by Dennis Barker , Dr Edward de Bono , Benny Green , Ann Leslie and who knows who else
Musical notes on the week by the JOHANN SCOUSE BAND Producer MICHAEL EMBER
Robert Robinson, broadcaster, journalist and author, discusses with Roy Plomley the records he would take to a desert island.
(Repeated: Monday 12.27 pm)
Richard Baker with records
(Shortened edn: Thurs 9.5 am)
The Fool on the Hill by MICHAEL ROBSON with Sean Barrett as Ralph Lamplough
The First World War - and Major Mercer realises that the man who is saving him from enemy fire is Ralph Lamplough , his one-time pupil, who fled the country accused of anarchy during the Durham Miners' Strike Memories revive, and Ralph's life-story unfolds. with Carole Boyd and Michael Deacon Producer
(Repeated: Monday 3.5 pm)
Hermione Gingold presents before an invited studio audience a personal choice of words and music, with the assistance of RODERICK COOK and, at the piano. STUART PEDLAR.
(Repeated: Friday 11.5 am)
(Hermione Gingold and Stuart Pedlar are in ' A Little Night Music ' at the Adelphi Theatre)
Evening Prayers led by REV DOUGLAS AITKEN
preceded by Weather