6.27 Farming Today
6.45 Prayer for the Day DR BILLY GRAHAU
The world this morning introduced by John Timpson and Douglas Cameron
Travel news, What's on and Keep Fit with EILEEN FOWLER
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.0 News and more of Today including at 7.25 Sportsdesk; at 7.35* Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50 Travel news
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today including at 8.25 Sportsdesk; at 8.35* Today's Papers
Read by PETER MARINKER 24: Stories
Records introduced by Richard Baker
(Shortened version of Saturday's broadcast) 1
NEM p 68; 0 thou who earnest from above (BBC HB 362); Canticle 6, pt 2; St Mark 2, vv 1-12 (AV); Son of God. eternal Saviour (BBC HR 377)
Our Mam: written and read by Ray Handy
1 Mam was sobbing quietly. On the table lay Mrs Kitchener 's newly-made dress - and near it stood the iron.' Producer
Rita Hunter plays some of her favourite records and explains why they give her particular pleasure.
Beverley Nichols takes a per. sonal look at gardening, flower shows and flowers. (BBC Sound Archive recording)
Presenter Joan Yorke Health and Welfare
What are the other effects of sterilisation? JANICE DICKERSON discusses listeners' queries with a doctor.
With other items and your letters in What's On Your Mind?
also starring June Whitfield, Ray Fell
With Michael Kilgarriff and the music of the Bill McGuffie Quartet
Written by David McKellar and David Nobbs
(Broadcast in June 1973: R2)
12.55 medium wave only
Weather, programme news
William Hardcastlc
Introduced by Sue MacGregor Over to Clacton: holidaymakers' questions on education answered by ACE advisers at Butlins Holiday Camp.
2.0-2.2 News
Reading your letters.
' Sefiora, we know you can cook, but not here ': men-only kitchens in the Basque country. Arts Notebook: a monthly look at work in progress. ANNA BARRY reads The Nightingale by RICHARD CHURCH (3)
Story: Bill the Bouncing Ball by M.M. SIMPSON
A Present from an Admirer
The life and times of a broadcaster-about-town
The Fortnight in September Read by JOHN ROWE
4: Cart Ruts in the Lane
The news magazine: presented by William Hardcastle and PM's reporting team
5.50 Stock Market report
by P.G. Wodehouse
starring Michael Hordern as Jeeves and Richard Briers as Bertie Wooster
Adapted by Chris Miller from the book "Right Ho, Jeeves"
(Richard Briers is in 'Absurd Person Singular' at the Criterion Theatre, London)
(Repeated: Friday, 1.30 pm)
Adam Raphael presenting world news and views
A history of the United States as reflected in its folk, traditional and popular music, from the founding of Virginia to the birth of jazz.
1: Colony Days
Devised and presented by CHARLES CHILTON
(Repeated: Friday, 4.5 pm)
Six studies in 20th-century magnetism 3: The Wizard o/ Wales by WILL ALLAN
To some, David Lloyd George appears as one of Britain's greatest war leaders and social reformers; to others, as a cunning intriguer who debased the standards of British politics. On one point, however, there is no dispute: he was one of the great spellbinders of our country. with David March as Lloyd George Narrator PETER Williams with the voices of VERNON JOYNER , WALTER HALL ROBIN BROWNE. ROLF LEFEBVRB BONNIE HURREN. JOHN SAMSON NIGEL GRAHAM. EDWARD KELSEY Producer MARTIN ESSLIN
Most of the 27.000 Ugandan
Asians who came to Britain a : year ago arrived with nothing. E They left behind them investments. cars. houses and good jobs. How well have the refugees settled in Britain? How well have the Government's policies worked in practice and has enough been done?
Brian Morris reports on the progress of Britain's latest immigrants.
Producer MICHAEL GREEN (from Manchester)
Douglas Stuart reporting with voices and opinions from around the world
The Twelfth Mile by E. G. PERRAULT
A nightly review of the arts and science
People, ideas, events - opinion and discussion. Introduced tonight by Paul Vaughas
FRITZ SPIIGL ' on tour ' With some friends in the musical world.
4: Noises off
The trials and tribulations of the avant-garde.
preceded by Weather
11.31 Market Trends