Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. Bernard is learning to fly, but may not have chosen the best day. Show more
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Louis Theroux Specials
Law and Disorder in Johannesburg
1 hour on BBC One South East
Available for years
Louis Theroux travels to Johannesburg, where the residents find themselves increasingly besieged by crime, and turning to private security offering protection for a price. Show more
Series following the work of barristers. The Bar is one of the most powerful professions in the country, but just one in five students will ever get to present a case in court. Show more
Toby Buckland looks back at the year through some of the gardens the show has visited. Alys Fowler lets viewers into her own small town cottage garden. Show more
A chance for viewers to learn a little more about the five BBC Gardener of the Year winners who will be fighting for the title Gardener of the Decade. Show more