Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. Bernard goes for a walk in ice scenery and finds a very beautiful and mysterious fossil. Show more
Animation featuring two rival thumb wrestling teams. The untested Weredog faces off against the maniacal technology of the evil Sinistra, the Visitor.
Children from across the UK talk about their interests, hobbies and passions. Eleven-year-old Eden loves everything punk - the fashion, the music and the attitude. Show more
The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by Weather.
The latest weather forecast.
Documentary. The cameras follow Vernon as he attempts to clear his increasing debts. He visits a debt counselling service, which is of some help, but he has his own plan. Show more
Darryl Grimason visits local gardens around the province.
Detailed weather forecast.
Costume drama. Battling with her emotions for new arrival James Dowland, Dorcas Lane sets out to defeat the dashing property developer in the parish council elections. Show more
Ten-part step-by-step guide to gardening. Carol Klein demonstrates how to grow basic vegetables with step by step advice on how to plant potatoes, onions and tomatoes. Show more
Garden makeovers. Nick Knowles and the team meet a couple from Bristol, who are expecting a baby and hope for it to grow up surrounded by wildlife. Show more