Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. Zack tries to steal a parcel which Bernard is carrying. At first he succeeds, but Bernard doesn't give up that easily.
National and regional news bulletin from the BBC.
The latest weather forecast.
Mark Carruthers is back with the Christmas edition of the panel show where the audience chooses the questions, debating topical issues with local, national and global significance.
Docudrama examining the events that led to Colin Stagg being wrongfully prosecuted for the 1992 murder of Rachel Nickell. Includes an exclusive interview with Stagg. Show more
Nicky Campbell, Julia Bradbury and Paul Heiney present the latest consumer news and advice from the Watchdog office, with topical reports and investigations into rogue traders. Show more
Rural affairs. John Craven heads to the Cairngorms, Adam Henson attends a Dickensian festival, and Juliet Morris discovers the importance of trees in our festive celebrations. Show more
On the Isles of Scilly, tension rises as David's boss, the Revd Steve Wild, arrives from the mainland to oversee the minister's crucial re-election vote. Show more
Rav Wilding looks at the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The flying paramedics are called to rescue a patient whose mum helped raise money to keep them in the air. Show more