Puppet animation with two rival thumb wrestling teams. Despite a hairball and a kitty litter attack, Tom Cat is knocked out by the Big Time. Show more
National and regional news bulletin from the BBC.
The latest weather forecast.
Tense thriller about a woman (Jamie Lee Curtis) who deserts her family without explanation, only to return three years later to claim her children and estranged husband. Show more
Documentary following life with Mike Holpin and his family, including the nine children he lives with in a three-bedroom house while claiming 27,000 pounds a year in benefits. Show more
Nigel Slater explores the lives and loves of celebrities through their experiences of food. Meera Syal's best friend Jo Brand gives us an anti-cookery lesson. Show more
Tim Wonnacott presents as two teams of married couple go bargain hunting for antiques on London's Portobello Road. Expert advice comes from James Braxton and Kate Bliss.