Animated adventures of Bernard the Polar Bear. Bernard is delighted with the bargains he has bought. The only problem is how to get them home.
Children's animation featuring the adventures of Shaun the Sheep. A pesky goat is tethered in the sheep's field, and threatens to eat all their grass. Show more
The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by Weather.
Panorama investigates a little-known law called joint enterprise, used to curb gang violence, and asks if the catch-all policy leads to miscarriages of justice. Show more
The nature documentary looks at the most successful animal group, with 200 million insects for each human. The key is an armoured covering that takes on almost any shape. Show more
Rural issues. Julia Bradbury and Jules Hudson visit the Isles of Scilly, and Tom Heap investigates why burning trees is better for the environment than many of us think. Show more
Ray Mears's Northern Wilderness
Episode 3: The Unknown Pioneer
58 minutes on BBC One North West
Available for years
Ray Mears journeys into Canada's wilderness. For Ray, there is one British pioneer who stands above all others in the exploration of Canada - Samuel Hearne. Show more
BBC One joins the BBC's rolling news channel for a night of news, with bulletins on the hour and the headlines every 15 minutes.