Animated adventures of a Polar bear. Bernard has been shipwrecked, but his real problems begin when he finds an abandoned motorboat which could get him back to shore.
The latest weather forecast.
Detailed weather forecast.
With the city on high alert and swamped with summer tourists, the River Police are on the lookout for anyone suspicious. Show more
Rural and agricultural news. John Craven visits a game fair in Oxfordshire, Charlotte Smith tracks this year's pea harvest, and Miriam O'Reilly witnesses an ancient love tradition. Show more
Chef and restaurateur John Torode and food writer and ingredients expert Gregg Wallace search for the country's top celebrity chef. Show more
Francesco's Mediterranean Voyage
Episode 6: The Gulf of Corinth
28 minutes on BBC One North East & Cumbria
Francesco da Mosto continues his voyage from Venice to Istanbul, visiting Mount Parnassus, the site of the Delphic Oracle and meets Nana Mouskouri in Athens. Show more