This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
The average age at which parents allow their children to have an alcoholic drink is 13, moth problems and the scout promise.
Robert Elms
David Shreeve, Olivia Newton-John, Dacre Stoker and Ian Prowse
3 hours on BBC Radio London
David Shreeve from the Conservation Foundation, Olivia Newton-John on her first cookbook Livwise, Dacre Stoker on The Lost Journal of Bram Stoker and musician Ian Prowse.
Danny and David Kuo get to work in the knick of time and telling strangers something they needed to know about themselves.
Drivetime with Eddie Nestor
Unemployment, the Olympics and the digital switchover
2 hours on BBC Radio London
The Employment Minister Chris Grayling today urged bosses to “hire a hoodie", ‘Inspire a Generation’ has been revealed as the official slogan for the London Olympics and the digital switchover.
Nick Godwin brings you the best coverage of London sport anywhere around.
The best coverage of London's rugby league scene anywhere around.
The Late Show with Joanne Good
With D.J. Connell, Tom Latchem and Jonathan Rudge
4 hours on BBC Radio London
Regulars D.J. Connell, Tom Latchem and Jonathan Rudge followed by The Midnight Society on Ceefax, Ikea, the Olympics and asking what is evil?
Caroline Feraday sits in. Calls, texts and emails on the stories that get London talking.