a biography of Dame Muriel Spark, filmed at her home in Tuscany and the Edinburgh haunts of her childhood (S)
Painter Jean-Mane Toulgouat recalls domestic life in the Monet household (S)
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film
a biography of Dame Muriel Spark, filmed at her home in Tuscany and the Edinburgh haunts of her childhood (S)
Painter Jean-Mane Toulgouat recalls domestic life in the Monet household (S)
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film
a biography of Dame Muriel Spark, filmed at her home in Tuscany and the Edinburgh haunts of her childhood (S)
Painter Jean-Mane Toulgouat recalls domestic life in the Monet household (S)
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film
a biography of Dame Muriel Spark, filmed at her home in Tuscany and the Edinburgh haunts of her childhood (S)
Painter Jean-Mane Toulgouat recalls domestic life in the Monet household (S)
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film
In the second half of this documentary, friends, family members, critics and art contemporaries appraise Moore's work and share their personal experiences of the man and his life.
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film
a biography of Dame Muriel Spark, filmed at her home in Tuscany and the Edinburgh haunts of her childhood (S)
Painter Jean-Mane Toulgouat recalls domestic life in the Monet household (S)
Celebrities talk about which of Cezanne's works they find most inspiring
Focusing on the late-60s revolution in art and film