Animated series set in the magical land of Nara. De Li rests under a plumato tree and a plumato falls in her lap. Show more
Myths and tales jump off the pages in this mix of animation and stage play. Featuring The Dancing Rose, an Egyptian version of the traditional Cinderella story. Show more
Sketch show featuring Milkshake Jane, a soda bar owner with a messy line in milkshakes. Packed Lunch Pete tries to tuck into a tasty baguette. Show more
Nina looks at different household inventions and finds out how they work. Here, she asks sound neuron, beautiful Belle, to help her find out how speakers work. Show more
Runaways Sean and Molly befriend an eccentric old man who offers them a lift on his narrowboat, but the mood soon turns hostile when Molly insults him.
On the second day of their quest, the plucky young warriors confront more tasks. In this episode, they must prove their strength at Ring Rack and pit their wits against Roman Road. Show more
Michelle's mum makes a surprise visit to The Mill after having tests at St Phil's, while Julia asks for Rob's help to find Jimmi, who is trying to get his phone from Sissy. Show more
Documentary series with Michael Portillo. Michael searches for the last liquorice grower in Pontefract and goes fishing for sea bass in Bridlington. Show more
Robin Hood is blamed when a sniper murders innocent people in Nottingham. Desperate to stop the killings, Robin must form an unholy alliance with the Sheriff.
Brooklyn's The Wiyos entertain the Barbican audience with their quirky mix of vaudevillian ragtime and finely crafted 1920s style tunes.
Jimmy Doherty investigates new food production techniques and technologies. In Brazil, Jimmy learns how to produce food on poisoned land, and sees biofuel use in action. Show more
Drama series about a team of forensic pathologists. Leo comes under suspicion when an insurance investigator accuses him of falsifying a post-mortem report. Show more
Drama series about a New York nurse. Jackie and Kevin wonder whether to send their sensitive daughter to a private school. Dr O'Hara is pursued by a boy. Show more
Performance from the Kaiser Chiefs from the Later...with Jools Holland archives. They play I Predict a Riot, the party and festival anthem of 2005.
Comedy-drama series about housemates who are actually a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. Mitchell has turned his back on humanity and is back with the vampires. Show more
Scientific issues. A look at the increasing research into dogs that is giving scientists a greater understanding of humans and even helping to identify disease-causing genes. Show more
Documentary series. After visiting Richmond, Julia Bradbury crosses the vale between the Dales and her last National Park, the North York Moors. Show more