This film follows two dogs who face an uncertain future in rescue homes because they are so out of control. Can professional trainers help? Show more
The Young Handler and Brace rounds kick off the 2010 competition and there are tips on how to buy a trialling dog at auction. Presented by Kate Humble and Matt Baker. Show more
Animated adaptation, in often graphic detail, of the frankly scatological comic recollections of writer JR Ackerley concerning his care for a troubled Alsatian in post-war London. Show more
Drama about the early years of violent left-wing terrorist network the Red Army Faction, which organised bombings, kidnappings and murders throughout Germany in the 1970s. Show more
Jerry Douglas and Aly Bain with more Celtic and country music, featuring Mike McGoldrick, Bela Fleck, Donal Lunny, Phil Cunningham, Danny Thompson, Donald Shaw and John Doyle. Show more
Documentary about the late Gerry Rafferty, one of Scotland's best-loved singer/songwriters, famous around the world for hits such as Baker Street and Stuck in the Middle With You. Show more
Ricky Ross presents highlights from a concert in memory of singer-songwriter Gerry Rafferty, with Paul Brady, Ron Sexsmith, Barbara Dickson, The Proclaimers, Rab Noakes and others. Show more
This film follows two dogs who face an uncertain future in rescue homes because they are so out of control. Can professional trainers help? Show more