The All Stars. Tornado takes on Firestorm III and Terrorhurtz.
The first episode of the fifth series rerun.
Rugby fan and comedian Johnny Vegas takes Dermot O'Leary to watch St Helens play Saiford in the pouring rain.
9.30 Dermot goes horse-riding and to the Derby with ex-Spice
Girl Emma Bunton.
Shown at
8pm on BBC1. Britain's deadliest soap: p9; Alison Graham 's Soap & Flannel: p30
A double bill begins a nightly rerun of the US thriller series starring Kiefer Sutherland. Midnight-lam. Senator Palmer receives an assassination threat.
11.15 1am-2am. Kimberly and Janet are kidnapped.
Japanese pop culture explored.
Mexico City.
With signing.
Mark Gatiss and Steve Pemberton guest. With signing.