Another chance to see the First World
The Second World Championships Sixteen robots from nine countries take on UK favourites Tornado, Chaos 2 and Razer.
In advance of BBC Choice rebranding as BBC3 from Sunday 9 February, a preview of what to expect from the new channel.
The ex-husband of Mel B talks about his whirlwind romance with the former Spice
Girl and the effect it's had on his life.
An affectionate comedy take on Posh and Becks.
Comedy sports quiz, chaired by Nick Hancock , with captains
David Gower and Gary Lineker.
The fifth episode of the new sci-fi drama.
Maintenance. October 1980: Marital loyalties are tested as Jesse's wife questions his sanity.
Another taster of the programmes to expect on the new channel when BBC Choice rebrands on 9 February.