Australian drama series set around the Breakers Modelling School.
Live entertainment show presented by Julia Bradbury. Digital widescreen
A comprehensive round-up of the day's sport, with Matt Smith and Mary Rhodes. Digital widescreen
A look at the diverse and culture-rich lives of the British.
A showcase of the best of the BBC's Bafta winners presented by Julia Bradbury who has all the inside information on the winning programmes and their stars.
Northern Ireland
10.00 Newsline Extra
10.20 Let's Talk
11.00 -12 midnight 11th Hour
10.00 Newsline
10.30 Wilderness Walks
11.00 Late Flyte
11.30 -12.00 The Beat Room
10.00 Newswrap
10.15 Sportswrap
10.30 Labour of Love
11.00-12.00 The wRap
Lizzie finds herself being pursued by two suitors who become bitter rivals. Meanwhile, she finds a home.