Comedy duo In Cahoots are live in the studio, Tommy celebrates Friday with Jumma Chumma shouts, and Bollywood choreographer Feroz Khan shares his final Desi Island Disc. Show more
Discussion and debate on the big issues affecting British Asians, plus Arjun talks to Nihal about his latest track Excuse Me Girl - Ambarsariya.
Westminster leaders debate whether or not to go to war with Isil. It is believed that the RAF could take part in bombing raids on the same day if the vote is passed. Show more
Tune in for the best music including golden oldies in Old Skool Hour, the big Daytimer Classic and the latest additions to BBC Asian Network's playlist in New Sounds. Show more
Asian Network Reports
Parliament approves military action against Islamic State
30 minutes on Asian Network
Parliament votes, with a huge majority, to support RAF attacks on Islamic State. Show more
Bobby catches up on the latest Bollywood news with top journalist Udita J and DJ Munks spins his Friday Night Mix. Show more
It is BBC Introducing Day across the BBC and Yasser selects his favourite BBC Introducing tracks of 2014. Show more
BBC Asian Network joins BBC Radio 5 live through the night.