Bollywood playback singer, Harshdeep Kaur joins Gagan for Vaisakhi weekend. Plus, Birmingham's Phaldip Singh tells Gagan why the city library will be lit up for the occasion. Show more
Meet Brothers Anjjan talk about Bhoothnath music, Pritam Chakraborty reveals the hits he wishes he composed and Salil Acharya has all the latest news from Bollywood. Show more
Classic film hits from the 50s-90s with Sanjay Sharma. Including Secret Cinema, Bare Parde Ki Purani Yaadain, App Ki Farmaish, tributes and so much more. Show more
Get your dose of the best Pakistani music coming out of the UK and Pakistan. Plus, the latest entertainment stories in Lollywood's Latest. Show more
Dipps hears from Sikhs across the globe, a Ragi Jatha group narrates the story of Vaisakhi and Banger and Moneyspinner perform live in the studio to celebrate the Sikh festival. Show more
Top DJ AKS joins Nadia from Dubai to share his latest tunes and chat about the Deshis in Dubai. Show more
Alpa talks to Sagar Vyas about his journey through Crohn's disease and the charity work he is doing to promote awareness. Show more
BBC Asian Network joins BBC Radio 5 live through the night.