Indian singer Raghu Dixit previews his brand new album, Jag Changa, plus actress Sofia Hayat shares her favourite tracks in Desi Island Discs. Show more
Salma Patel and Bilkis Saddat discuss their new Asian fashion brand. Show more
All the news you need to hear at lunchtime.
Actor and comedian Abdullah Afzal, who is best known as Amjad from Citizen Khan, chats to Noreen about Asian Network's Big Comedy Night. Show more
An update of the day's news you need to hear.
The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Conservatoire Scotland students, plus students from AR Rahman's Conservatory, play AR Rahman's biggest hits. Show more
Ray recites your heartfelt poetry and plays your love song requests in Shayri Club. Show more
BBC Asian Network joins BBC Radio 5 live through the night.