Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Muireall a’ falbh air dan’-chuairt ach chan eil ùidh aig a caraidean a dhol na cois. Muireall is going on an adventure, but her friends have no interest in joining her. Show more
Tha Pip is Posy a’ togail shadhbhaidhean ach chan eil iad idir rèidh le chèile. Pip and Posy are den-building, but they’re not getting on with one another. Show more
Tusk crosses the forest paths with his new motorbike. It’s so loud that the forest friends can’t even hear each other speak! Show more
Tha sinn a’ tighinn thairis air iasg-anann an-diugh. We come across a pineapple fish today. Show more
Tha fradharc AH-AH neònach an-diugh oir the e dà-fhìllt’. AH-AH’s eyesight is odd today as he is seeing double. Show more
Calum MacAmhlaigh a’ leughadh An Rabaid Ghorm.
Calum Macaulay reads An Rabaid Ghorm. Show more
This episode features amazing facts about Tammy, a Thomson's Gazelle living on the plains of Tanzania. Show more
An-diugh, gheibhear dealbh air beatha Lisa Annette @12 bliadhna dh'aois. Today we get an insight into Lisa Annette’s life @12 years old.
Ellen le sùil air cuid de na sgeulachdan as eagalaiche a chaidh innse air CBBC Alba! Ellen introduces some of the spookiest stories ever told on CBBC Alba! Show more
Tha Ronia a’ tighinn thairis air rud ris nach eil dùil aice. Ronia comes across something that she is not expecting. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Fraochy Bay's peace and quiet is shattered at the hands of a short-sighted traffic warden causing havoc in the town. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Iain Mackenzie discusses the poem “Air Mòinteach Shuardail” by Lewis poet Derick Thomson. Iain MacCoinnich le iomradh air an dàn “Air Mòinteach Shuardail” le Ruairidh MacThòmais Show more
Gaelic singer Eilidh Cormack and TV researcher Euan MacLean discuss books of special interest to them. Show more
Summer is over, but Peter is already preparing for the next growing season. Tha’n samhradh seachad ach tha Pàdruig a’deasachadh airson ràithe fàs na h-ath-bhliadhna. Show more
The BBC Concert Orchestra perform with Julie Fowlis, The Unthanks and Jarlath Henderson. Show more
Danish political drama. Birgitte's private life is strained as she is forced to make tough healthcare decisions for the government and for her daughter. Show more
Cò ris a tha e coltach a bhi a’ fuireach air eilean eireachdail Ratharsair ann a 2021? What it’s like to live and work on in the Inner Hebridean island of Raasay in summer 2021? Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.