Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Goraidh, Ailig is Cailean a’ togail thaighean dhaibh fhèin – ach ciamar a thèid dhaibh? Goraidh, Ailig and Cailean are building their own houses, but how will they get on? Show more
Tha Moo Adhair air rudeigin annasach a lorg a’ flèodradh ann am fànas. Moo Adhair has found something unusual floating in space. Show more
When Fox mentions that Hare is his best friend, Owl decides that he needs a best friend, too. Show more
Tha rudeigin a’ toirt air AH-AH sreathartaich – ach dè th’ ann? Something is making AH-AH sneeze, but what can it be? Show more
Linda and Dodge the Dog visit Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today, they must find useful items for a day out with Dodge. Show more
Ruairidh Greumach a’ leughadh Muc-mhara na Stoirm. Ruairidh Graham reads Muc-mhara na Stoirm. Show more
Aithne air Ainmhidhean/All About Animals
Series 1
Episode 16: Dan an Dòbhran Mòr/Oscar the Giant Otter
24 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
This episode features Oscar, a six-month-old giant otter who lives with his family in Cocha Salvador, a freshwater lake in the Amazon Basin. Show more
An-diugh, gheibhear dealbh air beatha Amina NicDhaibhidh @12 bliadhna dh'aois. Today we get an insight into Amina Davidson’s life @12 years old. Show more
The CBBC ALBA presenters love a good challenge, but who will emerge victorious as Shanni joins them? Show more
Tha Ronia agus Biorc a' faighinn aithne air a chèile. Ronia and Biorc get acquainted with one another. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Mairi MacLeod talks about the poem “An t-Seann Dachaigh” by Elizabeth Sutherland. Màiri NicLeòid le iomradh air an dàn “An t-Seann Dachaigh” le Ealasaid Shutharlanach. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Fraochy Bay WebTV are doing it themselves, but will the lucky recipient Walter feel at home when it's time for the big reveal? Show more
Sgrìob air ais tron phrògram aithriseach Cearcall. A nostalgic look back at material from the current affairs series of the late 1970s and 80s. Show more
After helping her dad with the animals on their croft, ten-year-old Alanna quickly swaps Barra island for high-fashion city life. Show more
It’s day three of the Scottish National Sheep Dog Trial in Brisbane, Glen Estate. Show more
Film about Róise, a widow who lost her beloved husband Frank two years ago. When a strange dog comes into her life, Róise is convinced Frank has returned. Show more
Featuring performances from the acclaimed Gary Sutherland Ceilidh Band, recorded at the Trad Awards 2021. With Gary and his first class band performing a lively set of jigs. Show more
Cuirm-chiùil à Talla Rìoghail Ghlaschu le Capercaillie agus Orcastra a’ BhBC ann an Alba. Capercaillie and The BBC SSO collaborate in a performance at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.