Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
To win back her parents’ attention, a six-year-old girl nicknamed Pigtail and her imaginary friend Mr Sleeplessness come up with a clever plan to send her baby brother and grandma to the Moon. Show more
Animation following Stick Man, the father of a family of sticks, who travels great distances to try and get home in time for Christmas. Show more
Raibeart MacDhonnchaidh a’ leughadh Tormod an t-Seilcheag a Shàbhail an Nollaig. Robert Robertson reads Tormod an t-Seilcheag a Shàbhail an Nollaig. Show more
Tha piàno draoidheil a’ toirt teaghlach briste air ais còmhla. A magical piano helps mend a broken family. Show more
Rupert Shelley is a ten-year-old boy who falls hopelessly in love for the first time ever. When it all goes horribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Show more
Tha Oifigear Poblach rag a’ cur casg air a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh phreusantan à plèan’. A stubborn public officer bans the delivery of toys to be dropped from a plane. Show more
Gaelic children's animation based on the true story of a lost letter to Santa found in an old chimney. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Òigridh a shoirbhich an-diugh ann an Inbhirnis agus aig Mòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. A look at prizewinners from Inverness and highlights from previous years at the Children's Mod. Show more
Great moments from the best movies shot in the Highlands & Islands. Sàr thaghadh bho na filmichean is fheàrr a rinneadh air Ghaidhealtachd. Show more
Fiona MacKenzie explores the journeys travelled by the country’s most revered female artists including Annie Lennox, Barbara Dickson, Eddi Reader and Clare Grogan. Show more
Iain MacFhionghain le leughaidhean, smuaintean agus laoidhean na Nollaige. Iain Mackinnon with a Christmas feast of readings, thoughts and carols. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.