Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Children's series. There's a big shinty match taking place between Coll and Struay, and Struay must ensure that the cup stays on the island. Show more
Tha a’ chrùbag ag innse dhuinn mu dhèidhinn a dhòigh-beatha. The crab tells us about his way of life. Show more
Tha Twigs a feuchainn ri pheata a thrèanadh. Animated fantasy adventure show. Twigs tries everything to train his new Buggle for the upcoming pet fair. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 19: Pàdraig Post agus na Spuirean Geàrrte
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha spuirean fada Micawber nan trioblaid. Micawber's claws need to be clipped - but how will the vet reach the lighthouse to help? Show more
Tha Mùmantrobha ag iarraidh aithne fhaighinn air na capaill-mhara. Mùmantrobha wants to get acquainted with the seahorses. Show more
Cùisean a’ dol sìos mar ’s àbhaist is droch bheachd eile aig Coinneach Clogaid. Things are going downhill as usual and Coinneach Clogaid has another bad idea. Show more
Tha am prìomh Fharpais Spèilidh a’ dol ann am Port Pàipear agus ’s e dìnnear còmhla ri Bobaidh Seoc a’ chiad duais. It’s the Skateboarding Championship in Paper Port. Show more
Kate from Uist tells us about her favourite hobbies which include playing the chanter and crofting. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Full match coverage from the Scottish Premiership as Livingston welcome Hibernian to Almondvale. Show more
Previously unseen music from the series Port with Julie Fowlis. Calum Stewart joins local musicians Liam Flanagan and Derek Hickey in Limerick to play An Seanduine Crom. Show more
Sgrìob air ais tron phrògram aithriseach Cearcall. Including a portrayal of the activities of the Barra
lifeboat. Show more
Gaisgich Òga an Dàrna Cogaidh (Kids of Courage)
Series 1
Sandrine (13) in France (1942) – Help for others and solidarity
25 minutes on BBC ALBA
Sandrine’s family helps persecuted Jews to escape from the Nazi regime. Suddenly her father gets arrested and the situation becomes very dangerous. Show more
This episode features a cross section of music from the world of trad and folk, including Eddi Reader and Ewen Henderson. Show more
The unique diversity of the Commonwealth ‘Islands of the Queen’. A’ taisbeanadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar ‘Eileanan Cho-fhlaitheis na Bànrighe’. Show more
Series in which Calum Maclean shares his passion for swimming in remote, cold rivers and lochs. In this episode, Calum is at Loch Lomond. Show more
Full match coverage from the Scottish Premiership as Livingston welcome Hibernian to Almondvale. Show more
Sùil air ais air ALT le ceòl bho Declan Welsh is Tamzene, agus còmhradh le Hue and Cry. Highlights from ALT. Music from Declan Welsh, Tamzene and chat from Hue and Cry. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.