Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Ceitidh Morag/Katie Morag
Series 2
Episode 2: Ceitidh Mòrag is a' chraobh-theaghlaich/Katie Morag's family tree.
14 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Katie Morag and the other children learn about relatives and work on their family trees. Show more
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ dèanamh cèic le cnò-chòco agus smeuragan. Linda and friends make a tasty coconut and blackberry cake. Show more
Tha Bernie glacte am broinn na h-uamhaig! Rocks have fallen from the cliffs and landed in front of Bernie's grotto, trapping him! Show more
Tha parsail annasach ri thoirt chun na sgoile. Pat is asked to make an unusual delivery to the school as they prepare for their play. Show more
Dràgonan: Rèis chun an iomaill - Dragons: Race to the Edge
Series 2
Ionnsaigh na Spèirneige 2/Shell Shocked 2
22 minutes on BBC ALBA
An extremely powerful new dragon attacks Dragon's Edge, and Hiccup makes a dangerous alliance while the fate of the Dragon Eye hangs in the balance.
Tha Kiril a’ dèanamh a h-uile rud gus a bhith eòlach air saoghal spòrs. Kiril does everything he can to ensure that he is involved in the sporting world. Show more
Tha Murchadh à Glaschu ag innse mun chur-seachad as fheàrr leis, rothaireachd. Murdo from Glasgow tells us about his favourite hobby, cycling. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Ball-coise air BBC ALBA/Football on BBC ALBA
International Friendly - Northern Ireland v Scotland
2 hours, 10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Alex O’ Henley provides commentary with a chance to relive Scotland's women footballers taking on Northern Ireland in their last game of the Pinatar Cup in Spain. Show more
Julie Fowlis a’ lìbhrigeadh ceòl bhon t-sreath Port nach deach fhaicinn a-cheana. Previously unseen music from the series Port with Julie Fowlis. Show more
Fraochy Bay's postman, Henry McSparrow, finds a long-lost letter and sets out on a quest to deliver it to its destination. Show more
Mairi E MacLeod and Eoghan Stewart discuss books of special interest to them. Both guests enjoy reading but also write books and poetry. Show more
Kim Carnie and Dòl Eòin MacKinnon present music from Kathryn Joseph, Pictish Trail, Whyte and Ninth Wave. Show more
Eachdraidh Ameireagaidh ann an dath airson a’ chiad uair. The story of America’s past, seen in colour for the first time. Show more
Ceòl bho Perthshire Amber, le òrain bho Dougie MacLean aig Cathair Eaglais Dhùn Chailleann. Ceòl bho Perthshire Amber, with songs from Dougie MacLean recorded at Dunkeld Cathedral. Show more
Calum Macaulay and Derek Mackay focus on Partick Thistle Football Club. Show more
Calum Macaulay and Derek Mackay provide an insight into St Mirren FC Show more
A look back at the diverse performers who played on the Garden Stage at Belladrum 2018. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.