Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Peppa, George and Daddy Pig love painting. Daddy shows Peppa and George how to mix paints to make different colours. Show more
The old cuckoo clock in Peppa and George's bedroom hasn't worked for some time, so Daddy Pig winds it up. Show more
Ben & Hoilidh san Rìoghachd Bhig/Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom
Episode 49: A' Chuairt Rìoghail/Visiting the Marigolds
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Everyone is visiting snooty King and Queen Marigold's castle, and the King and Queen give them a tour. Show more
Ben & Hoilidh san Rìoghachd Bhig/Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom
Episode 50: Am Pàrtaidh/The Party
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
It is the twin's birthday party, and chaos ensues when their friends arrive. The Wise Old Elf tries to entertain them, but they are too much of a handful. Show more
Tuilleadh spòrs le Ben is Eoin. More fun and games with Ben and Eoin, two teddies that come alive when no one is around.
Children's animated series. The mermaid tells not only of how she is not a monster, but also how talented she is. Show more
Danger Mouse's uncontrollable laughter annoys a race of clown aliens so much that they invade the Earth! Show more
Tony falls for a girl in his class, and decides to declare his love for her by emailing her a video of him singing a special love song. Show more
The day before a hike in the country, Lara notices that she has hair under her arms and on her legs, so she hides it under layers of heavy jumpers. Show more
Sùil aotrom air eachdraidh: an-diugh, cultar is innleachdan Tùsanaich Astràilia. A look at the historic civilisation and inventions of Indigenous Australians. Show more
Children's series. The flock hear the enticing tunes of an ice cream van approaching and divert it into their field. Will they be able to avoid being discovered? Show more
Sreath de nàdair agus beathaichean Bhreatainn 's Èirinn, a' tort sùil air Dannsa an Nathair. The nature and wildlife of Britain and Ireland. In this episode we look at the Adder.
A look at the role food plays in our culture and environment. Iain Macinnes finds out about Stornoway's famous black pudding, tasty summer fruit and Greek food. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Darren Laing meets islanders in the Western Isles who voted to leave the EU. Anne Lundon questions why cities like Berlin are attracting workers from the UK. Show more
Le Iain a' caithris Fhionnlaigh, tha e ann an èiginn gus Donna a lorg. Finlay's condition is critical and Iain is desperate to find Donna. Show more
Updating the impression of life on the Isle of Lewis given by the MacDonald sisters, first broadcast in 1969. Show more
Music quiz hosted by Gilleasbuig Ferguson. Team captains Ruairidh Munro and Carina Macleod are are joined by resident musician Findlay Napier and guests. Show more
Cathy MacDonald explores the locations, and meets the real life characters, who inspired Peter May in his writing of The Lewis Trilogy novels. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.