for farmers
Wise Men of the East
Talk by the Rev. Edwin Robertson
Regional Variations (2)
Anglers' Corner
conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra
Royal Hunt and Storm (The Trojans) (Berlioz)
Symphonic poem: Omphale's Spinning-Wheel (Saint-Saens)
Spanish Rhapsody (Ravel)
(on gramophone records)
Wise Men of the East
Talk by the Rev. Edwin Robertson
Minister of South Street Baptist Church, Yeovil
Regional Variations (2)
Good Morning!
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news
Conductor, Karl Haas
Music by Beethoven and Richard Strauss on gramophone records
for the Feast of the Epiphany from the Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi, PortsmouthÂ
Celebrant, Father Cormack Murphy-O'Connor
The action of the mass described by Father Agnellus Andrew, O.F.M.
Common of the Mass (Mass 8)
Motet: Regnavit Dominus (Shebbeare)
Psalm 89: Cry out with joy (Gelineau)
Organist and choirmistress, Kathleen Fairclough
followed by an interlude
RAOUL ENGEL discusses his tussles with financial jargon and offers some reminiscences of a disappointed speculator.
Feast of the Epiphany
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (BBC H.B. 63)
New Every Morning, page 96 Psalm 29 (Broadcast psalter) Ephesians 3, vv. 1-12
As with gladness (BBC H.B. 62)
News Summary at 10.30
The Albany Strings directed by Reg Pursglove
Overture: The Italian Girl in Algiers (Rossini)
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Carlo Maria Giulinl
Horn Concerto No. 2, in E flat major (K.417) (Mozart) Barry Tuckwell (horn)
London Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Peter Maag
Final Scene (Swan Lake)
Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra
Conducted by Anatole Fistoularl on gramophone records
Reports from Britain and overseas
A weekly magazine
Introduced by Bill Hartley
The Improving Driver: a series introduced by Ronald Priestley. 7: Driving Commentary
National Boat Show at Earls Court and National Camping and Outdoor Life Exhibition at Olympia: a report by Roy McCarthy
The International Racing Car Show In the Royal Horticultural Society Halls: report by Geoffrey Hancock Getting Abont by Compass: Jack Davey describes the value and use of this instrument
Produced by James Pestridge
Regional Variations (4)
Forces' Favourites: as North
Forces' Favourites
Random Records
Stars and personalities who are In Town Today Introduced by Leslie Mitchell Produced by Richard Dingley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Professor Jimmy Edwards submits a weekly school report with David Lott and Graham Aza
Script adapted by David Climie from an original by Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Edward Taylor
Recorded broadcast of August 29, 1961, in the Light Programme
Sir Michael Balcon, in a recorded programme, discusses with Roy Plomley the gramophone records he would choose to have with him if he were condemned to spend the rest of his life on a desert island.
(Previously broadcast on Dec. 11, 1961)
The Girl in the Market
Square by MALCOLM HULKE and ERIC PAICE adapted for broadcasting by the authors with Ronald Baddiley and Frank Partington
A dead girl, a hit-and-run driver, and a high-placed official in a small community complicate life for a young man who finds himself caught in a crossfire of opposing loyalties. Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by R. D. SMITH
Regional Variations (2)
Rugby Union Football: Final Welsh Trial, from Swansea
Gale Pedrick selects highlights from BBC sound and television
Introduced by John Ellison Edited by Gordon Williams
Regional Variations (2)
David Scott, tenor
A sound guide to long-playing records of popular music
Introduced by Ken Sykora Produced by Jack Dabbs
Regional Variations (2)
Ballynahinch Pipe Band
A musical programme for children under five
Peter Hawkins introduces today's items which include ' Millions of Cats ' with music by John Hosier
The inter-regional general knowledge contest concocted by Geoffrey Dearmer conducted by David Davis and cheerfully contested by competitors in all seven regions
A selection of your record requests played by Graham Gauld
Postcards should be sent to:
Luck of the Draw, BBC, London, W.I.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sport Spotlight
News. Sports Medley
News. Sport
Results from Windsor and Leicester
Association Football
Results, reports, and comments on matches played bv south-eastern teams in the Third Round of the F.A. Cup. and a summary of the games in the Third and Fourth Divisions
Minor Leagues
Results of matches played by clubs in the Athenian, Isthmian, and Southern Leagues
Rugby Union
Results of first-class matches and news of games played by London and South-Eastern teams
('omment in Sport
Well-known sports personalities are invited to express their views on affairs of the moment
Introduced by Gerald Sinstadt Produced by Jacob de Vries
Regional Variations (3)
Ymryson y Beirdd: Cardiganshire v. Caernarvonshire 'Recorded programme
At The Luscombes
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Michael O'Duffy (tenor)
Introduced by Ivan Samson Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Fredric Bayco
The dances: La Militaire: Waltz; Tango Scintilla: Progressive Barn Dance: Ideal Schottische: Dream Saunter: Variety Foxtrot; Victorian Gavotte; The Last Waltz
The songs: Jeanie with the light brown hair: Grannie's old armchair
Repeated on Friday at 3.0
Tickets for this programme and for the recording which will follow this transmission (and will be broadcast next Friday) are available on application to [address removed], enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
and chooses some records connected with important moments in his career
Jimmy Edwards and Beryl Reid in Twelfth Night by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
See below and page 5
Reviewers' Choice
Some regular contributors look back over the books of the Old Year
Denys Val Baker says ' authors must eat'
Introduced by Corbet Woodall
Regional Variations (3)
Thy Word Abideth; prayers
Family Prayers
The Litany sung to the music of Thomas Tallis
followed by late weather forecast
Beethoven's Violin Sonatas played by Nona Liddell (violin)
Daphne Ibbott (piano)
First of ten weekly programmes comprising the complete violin sonatas of Beethoven
January 13: Sonata in A major. Op. 12 No. 2: Hugh Maguire, violin; Joyce Rathbonej piano