Some of the country’s best home bakers welcome Gregor MacLeod into the kitchen to show him their favourite recipes. As a professional cook and baker he knows that you can’t put a price on a tried and tested recipe and also shares some of his own.
Gregor heads to Inverness to see how to make a zesty clementine sponge that uses poppy seeds to add colour and crunch. He’s in Point, Lewis to meet a cook putting the local black pudding to good use in the kitchen. Paired with sweet onions and buttery mushrooms, he makes a stand-out sausage roll that can be eaten hot for dinner or cold at a picnic.
Back at home in Callanish, Gregor makes dainty little butter biscuits. With their delicious crunch they make great crackers for a cheese board or would be the perfect salty accompaniment to an aperitif. And he also creates his own take on a meringue pie using lime instead of lemon.
Tha sàr bhèiceirean nan dachanan fhèin a’ toirt Griogair MacLeòid dhan chidsin a choimhead dè tha iad a’ fuine. Na chòcaire proifeiseanta, ‘s aithne dha nach gabh luach a chur air rud a bhios math a h-uile là a nì thu e agus tha feadhainn dhiu sin aige fhèin ri shealltainn.
Ann an Inbhir Nis chì e mar a nì e cèic blasta le sùgh orainds. Tha sìol mheilbheig na lùib ga fhàgail brisg fo d’fhiaclan. Anns an Rubha ann an Leòdhas gheibh e comhairle air na ghabhas dèanamh le marag dhubh an eilein: cuir ann an rolag taoise i, le uinneanan is balgain-buachrach, agus ‘si bhios math, teth no fuar.
Na chidsin fhèin an Calanais tha Griogair a’ dèanamh briosgaidean beaga saillte làn ime a tha math fhèin le iomadh seòrsa càise, no fiù’s leotha fhèin le glainne fìon. Agus tha pàidh mearang a’dol dhan àmhainn, ach chan e an liomain àbhaisteach tha aige, ach teile.
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