6.00 Understanding Space and Time: The Universe Yesterday 8399083 6.25 Computers: Operating Systems
8318118 6.50 Brazilian Immigrants- In Search of Identity Stereo 5817606 7.15 Hardwick Hall : Power and Architecture
9410335 7.40 Science and Nuclear
Waste 2684977 8.05 Cell Biology:
ShapingUp 4394286 8.30 Rural Life: Image and Reality 8847083 8.55 Social Scientists at Work 8932880 9.45 Me -
Student? 2558460 10.10 A Cancer in the Family 3958539 10.35 Powers of the President - Carterand Reagan Subtitled
7925408 11.25 The World of the Dragon: How the city of Shanghai, known as "the dragon's head", has paved the way for China's economic recovery.
11.50 Autism: Missing the Meaning? Current research into the condition of autism, which has resisted 50 years of investigations into its cause.