starring Gary Cooper with Barry Jones , Roberta Haynes In the first of two films starring 'Coop', he plays a man who arrives on a tiny South Pacific island - in search of peace and tranquillity. Unfortunately he finds the island and its people dominated by the puritanical Pastor Cobbett.
Screenplay by CHARLES KAUFMAN , based On JAMES A. MICHENER 'S novel Produced by THERON WARTH
Directed by MARK ROBSON. Films: page 16 and at 4.30
Sergeant York starring Gary Cooper with Walter Brennan , Joan Leslie Alvin York , a Tennessee hill farmer, becomes a pacifist as a result of a religious revelation and registers as a conscientious objector in World War I. Sent home by a sympathetic major, he finds himself forced to re-evaluate his former position. Gary Cooper won an Oscar for his fine performance.
Screenplay by ABEM FINKEL , HARRY CHANDLEE , HOWARD KOCH and JOHN HUSTON Based upon the Diary of Sergeant York Produced by JESSE L. LASKY , HAL B. WALLIS Directed by HOWARD HAWKS
. Films: page 16