A new play for television by Michael Voysey.
See page 5
- Writer:
- Michael Voysey
- Producer:
- Chloe Gibson
- Designer:
- Barry Learoyd
- Sister Ursula Hilda:
- Campbell Russell
- Bernadette:
- Mary Webster
- Jeanne Abadie:
- Pauline Keen
- Toinette:
- Rosemarie Anderson
- Father Pomian:
- David Peel
- Dean Peyramale:
- John Welsh
- Jean-Marie:
- Michael Saunders
- Louise, Bernadette's mother:
- Margot van Der Burgh
- Francois, Bernadette's father:
- George Murcell
- Croisine Bouhouhorts:
- Helen Misener
- Doctor Dozous:
- Leonard Sachs
- M. Lacade, Mayor of Lourdes:
- Austin Trevor
- Martha Preda:
- Kathleen Williams
- Pauline Bourdeu:
- Sally Miles
- Madeleine Barbazat:
- Bee Duffell
- M. Dutour, Imperial Prosecutor:
- Douglas Wilmer
- M. Jacomet, Chief of Police:
- David Langton
- Madame Millet:
- Margaretta Scott
- Antoinette Peyret:
- Maureen O'Reilly
- Aunt Bernarde:
- Beryl Measor
- Sergeant D'Angla:
- Howard Lamb
- Louis Bourriette:
- Fred Johnson
- Cyprine Gesta:
- Edna Petrie
- Stranger:
- Derek Birch
- Baron Massy, Prefect of Province of Tarbes:
- Peter Stephens
- Bishop of Tarbes:
- William Mervyn
- M. Rives, Magistrate:
- Charles Lloyd Pack
- Anne Vignole:
- Nuna Davey
- Other parts played by:
- Alice Bowes
- Other parts played by:
- Madge Brindley
- Other parts played by:
- Noel Coleman
- Other parts played by:
- Ivy Croucher
- Other parts played by:
- Margaret Dale
- Other parts played by:
- Paul Garner
- Other parts played by:
- Eugene Leahy
- Other parts played by:
- Jean Rennie
- Other parts played by:
- Irene Richmond
- Other parts played by:
- Gerry Vale
- Other parts played by:
- Edward Wade