A ten-part series on Japanese language and culture.
3: All in a Day's Work. A day in the life of Jun Sakai, a young Tokyo marketing executive, and his sister Hiroko, an 'office lady' with Tokyo Gas. Also, a profile of celebrity entrepreneur Hiroko Minami , one of the few Japanese women to make it big in the man's world of business.
Australian interpreter Bruce Holcombe offers the gaijin (outsider) perspective and helps present the language and etiquette of business introductions. Presented by Yuka Nukina. Producer Terry Doyle
£ 16.95 from retailers; audio cassettes. £29.95 per pack of five.
* INFORMATION: for a list of Japanese courses in the UK send cheque/PO for £2.00, payable to BBC Education, to [address removed].
0 TEACHERS' NOTES: £6.50, from same address. Cheque/PO payable as above.