From Buckfast Abbey, Devon.
Celebrant, Dom Leo Smith, O.S.B., the Prior
Preacher, The Rt. Rev. Placid Hooper, O.S.B., the Abbot of Buckfast
The action of the Mass described by Father Agnellus Andrew, O.F.M.
The Bells
The Asperges
Introit; Kyrie; Gloria Collect
Lesson: from Ephesians 4 Gradual
Gospel: St. Matthew 22
Credo No. 1
Preface; Sanctus
The Consecration
Benedictus; Pater Noster; Agnus Dei
The Communion
Post Communion
The Blessing
The Last Gospel: St. John 1
The Proper of the Mass is from the 19th Sunday after Pentecost; the Common of the Mass from Alissa: Orbis Factor.
(to 12.30)