Repeats are not indicated.
Open University 12.30 Software Surgery- how software can be designed to suitthe needs of the user. 13591 1.00 Designer Rides - Jerk and Jounce - how mathematics put the thrill into rollercoaster rides. 59442 1.30 Evaluating Pre-School
Education - can statistics help prove that a children's education is best started earlier?
Wild World 2.00 Backyard World featuring Living Britain -
Alastair Fothergill presents reflections on autumn and winter, and Simon King shows how to get close to British wildlife.
Languages 4.00 Italy Inside Out (parts 2 and 3) - does Milan's reputation as a chic, trend-setting city hold true? Also, a look around the sights of Rome.
Working in Retail 5.00 Health and Safety and Number Skills- practical guide.
Open University 6.00 AftertheGenome-howcancerwill evolve, and why we have too few genes. 7216152 6.50 What
Have the 1990s Ever Done for Us? - scientific developments of the last decade, including Viagra, cloning and genetics.