The weekly arts magazine
Artists for Tomorrow
The fourth and last in this series features three top London Drama Schools
Students, teachers, and Michael Elliott, the Chairman of an Arts Council investigation committee, demonstrate and discuss the training of the next generation of actors, 'the abstracts and brief chronicles of the time.'
The English Bach Festival
This festival sprang to life last Monday with the first performance of Cecconi's Imaginaires for dancer and more than 100 percussion instruments. But no work of Bach was heard. Why not? Lina Lalandi, the organiser, explains the intentions of her festival.
with Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Cathy Berberian (mezzo-soprano) and the dancer Noriko Kubota
Ben Nicholson
One of the most famous living English artists is just seventy-five, and his birthday is celebrated by a major exhibition just opened at the Tate Gallery and by the publication of a new book on his work. Rather than add to the critical material which has proliferated about Ben Nicholson, Release asked another painter, William Thomson, for his point of view.