Motorcyclists Presented by Eric Robson
' Before long we'll be zigzagging along the road avoiding all the bodies.'
The 18-year-old who said this stands 30 times more chance of being involved in an accident when he rides his motorbike, than if he drove a car. Over half of all motorcycle deaths are riders under the age of 20. How far is it possible to legislate against teenage enthusiasm? And should we even try?
As sales of mopeds and motorcycles reach record levels, and as dealers press for the age limit to be lowered to 15, Brass Tacks asks, ' Are we doing enough to reduce the thousands of deaths and injuries that motorcycles cause?'
Studio director PETER HAMILTON Producer JANE DRABBLE
Editor ALAN DOBSON. BBC Manchester
If you've got a point of view let's hear it. All participating BBC local radio stations will have a phone-in continuing the Brass Tacks debate (details on local radio page of RADIO TIMES). Alternatively, write to Brass Tacks - Return Call, BBCtv, Oxford Road, Manchester M60 ISJ. (Return Call next Saturday will report back on what you think)