6.50 17th-Century Court Patronage
7.15 East Meets West
7.40 Technology: Eurekaargh! Part 2
8.05 Density and Viscosity
8.30 Telecommunications Networks
8.55 The Emergence of Greek Maths
9.20 Social Policy and Social Welfare
9.45 Henry IV Parts I and II: Workshop 2
10.10 Information Technology: The Telephone
10.35 Art in Italy: Riccio's Bronzes
11.00 Ethnic Minorities: Colonisin' in Reverse
11.25 Resource Geology
11.50 Special Relativity
12.15 Introduction to Calculus
12.40 Product Design: Behind the Seat
1.05 Design Processes: Fit for the Job
1.30 Modern Art: Monet
1.55 Managing in Organisations
2.20 Development in a Turkish Village