JoJo and Gran Gran look for different shells on a beach. JoJo realises that shells are part of the ecosystem, so she must put them back. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran make their own ice lollies for their friends after Jared’s shop runs out on a hot summer day. JoJo realises that ice lollies can be made by freezing fruit juice. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran have an indoor picnic on a rainy day and are joined by Great Gran Gran, who tells them it is also raining in Saint Lucia. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran go pond dipping with Cynthia in the hope of spotting a dragonfly. JoJo realises that the pond is home to lots of creatures. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran spend the day with Navid and his new baby, Akeel. JoJo realises she was once a baby too! Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran visit a maze with their friends Alfie and Ellie. JoJo learns to go slowly and enjoy the journey. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran go swimming at the lido. After losing her goggles, JoJo learns to jump in the water without them – making a big splash! Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran bump into Ned and Monty and go on a boat ride with them in Ned’s houseboat. JoJo realises people can live on boats. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran play basketball – and later, a game called 'JoJo Ball' – with Jared, Charlene and Cynthia. JoJo learns you can adapt things to make them easier. Show more
JoJo and Gran Gran have a barbecue with their extended family. JoJo and Lexi prepare a dance, but Lexi’s portable speaker runs out of battery. Show more