Preschool sports series. Join international footballer Rachel Yankey and the team as they learn about kicking with the inside of their feet.
Preschool sports series. International footballer Rachel Yankey teaches her team all about following instructions.
Preschool sports series. Ball trick world record holder Dan Magness joins Rachel Yankey and her team.
Preschool sports series. Join Rachel and her team as they learn all about working as a team. At Pupton Park, the Footy Pups squabble over the captain's armband.
Preschool sports series. Rachel and her team try to be right on target when they learn about aiming. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel and her team learn all about overhead throwing. At Pupton Park, there's a new teacher in town in the form of Professor Pickles.
Preschool sports series. Rachel Yankey and her team learn about keeping possession of the ball. There's a prickly match at Pupton Park against some hedgehogs!
Preschool sports series. Pickles's wobbly dribbling helps the Footy Pups in a game against Moleton Wonderers. Rachel and the team practise their dribbling skills.
Preschool sports series. Rachel teaches the team how to turn with the ball. It's a smelly day for Geraldine at Pupton Park when Trunkmere Rovers pay a visit. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rozzie learns a lesson from Geraldine, while Rachel Yankey twists and turns with her team as they learn about agility. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel and her team put their reaction skills to the test, while Rex and Benny enter a mascot competition. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel and her team learn the importance of playing fairly, while the Footy Pups find themselves in a sticky situation. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel and her team learn how to trap and control the ball, while the Footy Pups rely on Rozzie to help them win a match. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rex gets too close for comfort when Rachel teaches the team all about finding a space. Meanwhile, it's a tight squeeze at Pupton Park! Show more
Preschool sports series. Join Rachel Yankey and her team as they learn all about the different balls that are used in sports. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel and the team learn all about rebounds, and the Footy Pups play a match against the tortoises of Shellfield Wednesday. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel teaches the team how to play two players against one. At Pupton Park, Benny plays a match against the wolves of Soli-howl. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel challenges the team to clear the ball in three different ways, and there's a match against the hippos of Potermus Hotspur. Show more
Preschool sports series. International tennis superstar Marcus Willis joins Rachel and the team for some top tennis tips. Show more
Preschool sports series. Rachel teaches her team all about being a good leader and captain, but Benny is a bossy boots when he becomes captain in Freddie's adventure. Show more