Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. Raven's finest Warriors are making good progress in their journey to the Fortress. Already, many Timepieces have been collected. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. Watched over by Princess Erina and the spirit Haryad, the Lions must elect their strongest swimmer to complete their task. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. Faced with almost impossible odds, the surviving warriors battle on. Can they destroy Nevar's all-seeing eye? Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. With the battle of good against evil reaching a climax, Princess Erina sends a coded message to the warriors which she hopes will help. Show more
Fantasy gameshow. The surviving warriors must rescue a single acorn from the Great Oak of Alaunus, but first they have to locate it within the walls of Nevar's fortress. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. Nevar's Demons patrol the Island of Alaunus and the warriors must avoid crossing their paths at all cost. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. It is the final week of the quest to thwart Nevar. The survivors from The Lion, Wolf and Eagle teams re-unite. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. Princess Erina continues to aid the Warriors as they traverse The Island of Alaunus. Show more
Fantasy game show set on a mystical island. The plucky warriors are making good headway. Today, the Lions must confront their inner fears on the Battlefield. Show more