First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD
Iain Spanish MacKay with the history of the iconic Barrowland, with musicians and fans. Iain Spàinneach MacAoidh le eachdraidh a’ Bharrowland chliùiteach le luchd-ciùil is luchd-leantainn. Show more
Iain Spanish MacKay explores favourite Celtic Rock records. An neach-ciùil Iain Spàinneach MacAoidh a’ coinneachadh ri luchd-ciùil nan clàran Roc Ceilteach as fheàrr leis. Show more
Sùil spòrsail air ais air leth-cheud bliadhna de cheòl pop agus roc air Eilean Leòdhais. A fun-filled look back at 50 years of pop and rock music on the isle of Lewis. Show more
A fun-filled look back at the rally-inspired Lewis car culture of the 70s and 80s. Sùil spòrsail air cultar chàraichean-railidh Leòdhais anns na 70an is na h-80an. Show more